GATE Alliance GmbH

Organization types
Other Services

GATE Alliance GmbH

GATE Alliance GmbH provides services that enable, accelerate, or simplify the development and sale of airport-specific products, technologies, and services in the business environment of airport operators, passengers, airlines, logistics providers and other stakeholders of the members of GATE e.V. and third parties.

We offer:

1. InnoAirport - The innovation platform: GATE has established InnoAirport, a platform where enterprises can conceptualize, optimize, test, and present their products and services in a real-life environment. We offer three service segments:

1.1 Future Area:

A product needs taking to the next level, customers think about added values for their portfolio, some services require an airport-specific adaption, or customers are simply looking for inspiration how their company could benefit from the booming airport industry?

  • Future-Workshops apply creative methods like Business Canvas, Design Thinking etc.
  • Kick-off speeches + keynote presentations
  • „Futurelab“ providing infrastructure and services for every step of the innovation process
  • Talent, workforce, creative, science, technology and investors networks


1.2 Proto Area:

The innovation has reached a high degree of maturity. However, you need to acquire further data and experiences from routine operation on an airport prior to market release.

  • 24/7 access to airport infrastructure for data collection, product references, certification etc.
  • Pre-business tests: market acceptance and usability
  • Sneak preview: product presentation prior to market release


1.3. Ready Area:

The product is market-ready and needs to be presented and marked. Customers are looking to gain further insights from routine operation.

  • Product presentations for customers and stakeholders, press conferences, photo shootings, launch campaigns etc.
  • Development of airport-specific sales and marketing concepts
  • Open Innovation: customer feedback on new products and services
  • Last mile: innovation development under real-life conditions


2. Trainings & Seminars:

The airport industry is changing rapidly due to many new technologies and offers a lot of potential. Market access is a particular challenge in this international industry. Therefore, GATE offers trainings and seminars like:

2.1 Onboarding course "Airport industry"

How will global aviation and the airport industry develop? How is the industry organized? Who are the players? What are the relevant trends and what do the decision-making processes look like? This beginner's seminar provides an A-Z guide to the industry.

2.2 B2B-Sales 4.0

Which digital tools help identifying and qualifying leads? How does social selling work in international sales? And how storytelling can be beneficial in the buying centre.

Everything you need to know to make selling to modern customers easier. The required equipment is not that complicated. This training is aimed at everyone, who is eager to take new directions in sales.

3. Events & Talks

3.1 Innovation Forum - GATE Future

Representatives of German airports and their most important suppliers develop and formulate joint visions on much-discussed industry topics. Several workshops provide the appropriate forum for this by allowing executives to exchange ideas on topics such as: security, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, sustainability at eye level.

3.2 GATE FUTURE digital

The digital roundtable brings together exciting panels to discuss current challenges facing the airport industry